Casting in Spain

At Fonktown, we provide casting services in Spain to help you find the right talent for your audiovisual production.

We have an extensive and diverse catalog of professional actors, actresses, models and extras in the country.
However, we understand that there may be instances where you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for in the local market. In such cases, we expand our search globally and fly talent from anywhere in the world to meet your project’s needs.
Our casting team has a wide network of contacts and resources to identify and select international talent that fits your requirements. We take care of managing the hiring process, visa procedures, and any other logistical arrangements needed for foreign talent to participate in your production in Spain.
Whether you need experienced models for photo shoots, fashion shows, or promotional campaigns, or if you require background actors and extras to add depth and realism to your scenes, we’ve got you covered.

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Casting in Spain # 

Casting in Spain # 

Casting in Spain # 

Casting in Spain # 

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